Monday, December 1, 2014

A Restaurant of Beijingers - Tu Ye

      I grew up in Beijing, this is a fairly interesting, and big city, which I love very much. During these ten years that I have lived in this busy and complex city, I’ve eaten at many restaurants here.
I can absolutely say that I know Beijing city very well, and today, with my wealth of experience, I am going to recommend you a very Beijing-style and unique restaurant, called Tu Ye.  

Outside the Restaurant
         It is very understandable that some of you don’t know what Tu Ye is. Tu Ye is the Pinyin of the word Rabbit God. It sounds a little funny and cute, but Tu Ye actually is a god of the moon in China, and Chinese people believe that it brings fortune and good luck, which is why people like it so much. What’s more important is that, Beijing is the origin of the Rabbit God.

Chopsticks with rabbits
         As its name, this restaurant of Rabbit God is very pekingese, and it offers Beijing foods, like Jajangmyeon (noodle with salty flour sauce), Creak box (fry noodle roll) and Guan Chang (Homemade pork sausage) and many other delicious dishes.  

A Bowl of Creak Boxes at Tu Ye
          I think I must say something about the restaurant’s interesting environment, which is very Chinese, with wooden ceiling, girders and long, wooden benches instead of chairs. The most special and interesting thing is its background song, which is a very old song, sounds like Peking Opera and a song from republican period of China.

           One of the foods that I strongly recommend is the one called “Rabbits don’t eat grass that grow nearby rabbit burrows”, and this very-long name is a Chinese idiom, which means “one doesn’t do things around where one lives if the person doesn’t want others to know it is him/her who did those”. I think the chef named this salad as this idiom because it is related to "rabbits".

Salad: "Rabbits don't eat grass that grow nearby rabbit burrows".
            After you saw the dish, you will suddenly see why it has its name, because the dish is a big bowl of “grasses”——a bowl of vegetable salad, with sour and little sweet sauce. The fresh smell of the a variety of vegetables, mixed with the sweet and sour sauce, excites every part of your tongue and make you awake. If you want  to try the most natural and healthy food in Beijing, this bowl of salad is one of the dishes you should definitely try.

Not only this one, there are many foods in Tu Ye that represents Beijing culture, and if you are visiting, or are going to visit Beijing, don’t always think about Peking duck or Peking coated haws. If you don’t want to miss any delicious, typical Beijing-style food, write down “go to eat at Tu Ye restaurant” on your schedule!

Pictures from
Sorry I forgot to take picture :p
but still it is a really good restaurant!